This weeks special mentions have been awarded to:

Special Mentions

Class Year Pupil Special Mention
Nursery Rose For showing great focus and concentration with a rhyming activity this week
Kindergarten Jack For choosing and introducing an amazing topic this week!
Year 1 Georgia For producing beautiful photographs in Art.
Year 2 Rebekah For creating a super quiz on Purple Mash.
Year 3 Oliver For persistently working hard and for producing super maths work each week! What a super star!
Year 4 Emily For her endless positivity and for a fantastically descriptive diary entry.
Year 5 Calista For your amazing art work this week!
Year 6 Zhaleh For working her socks off at school this week!
Music Nathan  For consistently producing his best work and being so enthusiastic.
French Effie For her amazing French ice creams!

Well done everyone, great achievements from you all!

Mrs Hopkinson