The Educational Journey

EYFS & Key Stage 1

Reception to Year 2 (Aged 4 to 7)

St Wystan’s Pre-Prep provides children with a safe, fun and nurturing environment where they can thrive. The day is full of exciting opportunities for social, emotional and academic growth for each and every child. Pupils start their journey at St Wystan’s in Reception and they quickly settle into school life, grow in self-confidence and learn to work and play as a member of a group. Our experienced and enthusiastic teachers deliver a curriculum tailored to the children’s needs and interests and encourage them to have a thirst for learning.

Vibrant learning environments allow children to learn inside and outside the classroom and offer memorable learning experiences. Our children benefit from small class sizes and our warm and caring family atmosphere, which is perfect for this important stage in their development.

When your child is ready to continue their learning journey into Prep, we ensure they feel fully confident and ready for the transition.

Key Stage 2

Years 3 to 6 (Aged 7 to 11)

Our Prep combines outstanding academic, sporting and creative arts achievement, along with a growth mindset approach, which sees all children afforded the opportunity to thrive and grow in a supportive and caring environment.

We encourage each individual to develop their independence and leadership skills and achieve to the best of their ability. Children are taught to apply effort to all they do and are taught resilience and persistence, as we strongly believe that dedication and hard work can enhance their performance in school so that they become more successful students. We also pride ourselves in teaching manners and the common courtesies which are so often overlooked in the rush of modern-day life.

Day-to-day problems are dealt with by the class teacher and the children are encouraged to learn the importance of independence, maturity and resilience. Membership of a House and School Council provides the opportunities for pupils to air their thoughts and to become leaders, ready for their prefect roles in Year 6.

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities in addition to a broad and balanced curriculum, which accommodates the requirements of Independent Senior Schools, especially in Years 5 and 6. The school has an outstanding record of scholarship success, with a high percentage of children having gained awards for the senior school of their choice. These have covered a very wide variety of areas including academic, artistic, sporting, dramatic, musical and all-round ability.

The transition between Pre-Prep and Prep works seamlessly, as our children know all members of staff and our facilities well.