The School Day

St Wystan’s school day is designed to provide maximum opportunity for pupils to explore, discover and be challenged in academic pursuit, as well as during their extra-curricular and play times.

We also offer excellent before and after-school care provision, as we appreciate this is helpful for many parents.

A typical school day in St Wystan’s Preparatory School:

08.25am Children assemble in the playground
08.30am Registration
08.35am Morning lessons begin
10.30am Morning break
10.50 – 11.50pm Lessons
11.50 – 1.20pm Lunch – Extra-curricular clubs are on offer to all students
1.20pm Afternoon lessons begin
3.00 – 3.20pm Assembly
3.20 3.40pm  Form time
3.40pm Dismissal – Home time or extra-curricular clubs after school

Our younger pupils also have an afternoon break in the playground.

Our pre-prep pupils also have an afternoon break.