Children’s Mental Health Week at St Wystan’s

Following on from our assembly on Children’s Mental Health Week, Kindergarten have been drawing our support balloons – the children drew all the people who help them. They also read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas. The children made their feeling jars using the different colours to show their emotions. 

In Nursery, the children have been talking about their emotions. They talked about how they deal with their feelings and have been making handprint flowers to show their feelings. 

Our Form 1 pupils have read ‘Love Grows Everywhere’ and then thought about who loves them and who they love. They have also thought about how they have grown and created growing butterflies. 

Form 2 thought about ways in which they could improve their own mental health and thought about things such as drinking more water, remembering to try new things and being brave. They also identified people who support them and who they can turn to when times are tough. 

Form 4 read ‘Hey Warrior’ the children came up with names for their anxiety and discussed how these protects us. They practised some breathing techniques to help, drew their support groups and made goals to help with their emotional health. We thought of ideas such as being brave, making more friends, joining clubs and speaking about our worries. 

Form 3 and 5 have been doing an experiment to see how much we can fit into our minds and discussing what we can do when they get too full. Both classes created 10 positive thoughts/affirmation posters to look at when they need a boost

Form 6 have been breathing deep to control feelings of anxiety, an idea taken from the book ‘Hey Warrior’ by Karen Young. They also named their feisty amygdalas, the area of the brain responsible for processing our strong emotions!


A great week with lots of ideas to support our pupils as they move forward.  

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Olivia Orgill:
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